Legal Services Automation Strategy
At a strategic level, organizations need to establish which clients they wish to serve more effectively or which clients do they seek to acquire through a web-based strategy.
This requires an understanding of consumer behaviour on the Net and how consumers and clients makes choices between providers when they purchase legal services.
This strategic direction then needs to be supported by an operational review: establishing the processes and people required to successfully deliver such services.
A detailed examination of business process is fundamental if cost-effective and efficient web-based solutions are to be deployed.
Successful solutions will feature an amalgamation of the following attributes:
"Interactive" legal content delivered through the use of document automation technology and diagnostic tools;
direct client interaction with such systems;
human intervention as required (e.g. legal advice telephone hotlines, EMAIL-based legal advice);
The types of action required focus around strategic activities such as the following: options analysis, content analysis, process modeling and business process re-engineering.